• A Major Health Transformation is Waiting For You
    If you look back to any health condition there is often a precursor and it may not be as obvious as it seems. Have you ever thought about how one thing leads to the next? A first visit at our office is to perform an assessment that looks at you as a whole person. That allows us to piece together your medical history, the physical clues in your body, and your goals. This holistic approach creates a road map to a future of your dreams. Read more
  • 5 Reasons Why You Should Be Taking Cold Showers
    Using water as therapy (hydrotherapy) for health promotion or disease prevention has been documented in ancient cultures including Egypt, India, and China. The North American Journal of Medical Science published an interesting article in 2014, Scientific Evidence-Based Effects of Hydrotherapy on Various System of the Body. This article presents five health benefits of taking cold showers. The good news is that you don’t have to be an elite athlete or have deep pockets to benefit from the physiological effects of cold because taking a shower is accessible to most people on a daily basis. Read more

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